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Dr. Ashrawi holds separate meetings with diplomats

Monday, 13 June 2016 10:34

June 10, 2016


PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi yesterday met with British Consul General Alastair McPhail in Ramallah.

Both parties discussed the alarming and worsening conditions on the ground and Israel’s persistent violations of international law and policies of collective punishment and violence. 

In that context, Dr. Ashrawi stressed, “We, the Palestinian people, are against all forms of terrorism, extremism and the targeting of innocent civilians.  The root causes of such violence and instability are the military occupation and its persistent provocations, including constant humiliation, oppression, illegal settlement activities, collective punitive measures, and violence against the Palestinian people. Although we have been committed to a non-violent political solution for a long time, we have not found any reciprocity from the Israeli leadership who is responsible for creating a culture of hate generated by racism and the occupation with impunity, exceptionalism and entitlement.”

The discussion focused on the latest political and regional developments, as well as some concern over recent European statements and the importance of the EU to play an active political role and the need for it to ensure the success of the French initiative.

Dr. Ashrawi also raised the issue of the delay of the Quartet report and said, “It is our hope that the postponement of the Quartet report is not a signal of backsliding or dilution of its content; it is expected that the report would detail Israeli violations and Israel’s culpability in destroying the two-state solution. Israel should be held accountable for its violations and its refusal to comply with international law and consensus.

In addition, Dr. Ashrawi had met earlier with the Deputy French Consul General Minh-di Tang, and discussed the statement of the recent foreign ministers’ meeting in Paris and the international peace conference to be held later this year.  Dr. Ashrawi stressed, “Unlike Israel that is undermining the international peace conference and rejecting it a priori, we appreciate French efforts in this context, and we want to ensure the success of the conference.  In order for it to be successful, the conference should include clear terms of reference and objectives and a binding timeline and concrete steps to end the occupation, as well as mechanisms for arbitration, monitoring and evaluation.”