Tuesday, 28 February 2017 16:35 |
State of Palestine
Palestine Liberation Organization
27 February 2017
Statement by H.E. Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine, Before the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) at the 34th Session Held in Geneva.
Thursday, 16 February 2017 09:43 |
As we have constantly stated, the two-state solution is a Palestinian adoption of an international formula. In fact, it represents a painful and historic Palestinian compromise of recognizing Israel over 78% of historic Palestine. Today, almost 6 million Palestinians live under Israeli control in all of historic Palestine, while almost 6 million Palestinians live in exile.
Tuesday, 07 February 2017 10:18 |
Palestine Liberation Organization
Press Release
February 06, 2017
Dr. Saeb Erekat: Looting is Illegal. The Israeli Settlement Enterprise Negates Peace and the Possibility of the Two-State Solution.
While thousands of Palestinians in besieged Gaza are being terrorized by Israeli bombardments, the Israeli parliament has just approved a law to legalize theft of Palestinian land. Looting is illegal. All Israeli settlements in Occupied Palestine are illegal and a war crime regardless of any law passed by the Israeli parliament or any decision taken by any Israeli judge. The Israeli settlement enterprise negates peace and the possibility of the two-state solution.