“Such a decision is inhumane and reckless”
"The US administration’s decision to terminate all funding to UNRWA is a cruel and irresponsible move targeting the most vulnerable segment of Palestinian society.
The Palestinian refugees are already the victims who have lost their homes, livelihoods and security as a result of the creation of the state of Israel, and once again, they are being victimized by the US administration in support of Israel’s decades-long military occupation and impunity.
UNRWA has provided the 5.3 million Palestinian refugees residing in fifty-eight refugee camps in Occupied Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria with a sense of hope and security through its vital services, support and opportunities for work, growth and development. It also provides protection for the Palestinian refugees to ensure that their 'rights under international law are protected and promoted.’
The real outcome of the US administration’s latest unilateral and reckless policy is the destabilization of the entire region and the creation of unimaginable suffering and hardship for the Palestinian refugees.
With such a decision, the US is doing Israel’s bidding and destroying the very foundations of peace and stability by taking all permanent status issues ‘off the table,” including the right of return for refugees and occupied Jerusalem.
Until the plight of the Palestinian refugees is resolved in accordance with international law and relevant UN resolutions, including the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194 (III), we call on all members of the international community to shoulder their responsibilities towards Palestinian refugees and provide the necessary support and financial assistance UNRWA needs to fulfill its mandate."