This report includes examples of recent inciting statements made by top Israeli officials on the theft of Palestinian money, the threat of forcible transfer facing the Palestinian Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar, the peaceful Great Return March protestors and the ongoing Israeli assault on Gaza.
I. On the Theft of Palestinian Money:
"Defense" Minister, Avigdor Liberman (Twitter, July 2, 2018)
“We promised to stop the celebration of paying salaries for the terrorists and we did. Now it's final. Every shekel Abu Mazen pays for terrorists and killers will be automatically deducted from the Palestinian Authority's budget. An effective war on terrorism also passes through the pocket of terrorists, their families and Abu Mazen.”
MK Oren Hazan (Twitter, July 2, 2018)
“Congratulations for the passing of the law that deducts terrorists' money! After a long struggle between me and my colleagues, the government corrects a historical error: it fights terror instead of supporting it and stops the transfer of funds to the Palestinian terror authority. The next stage: the elimination of the kite terror, the elimination of Hamas regime and the return of our sons - Goldin, Shaul and Mangisto - home."
II. On the Threat of Forcible Transfer Facing the Palestinian Bedouin Village of Khan al-Ahmar:
MK Bezalel Smotrich in Response to a Tweet by Benjamin Netanyahu (Twitter, July 12, 2018)
“Hello, Mr. Prime Minister. You did well to instruct the Director General of the Foreign Ministry to rebuke the European Union. Now it would be good if you also instruct the Civil Administration to finally carry out the demolition in Khan al Ahmar and prevent the European’s intervention in practice, and not only by reprimanding them. Thanks in advance.”
III. On the Protests of the Great Return March and the Ongoing Israeli Assault on Gaza:
MK Bezalel Smotrich (Twitter, July 14, 2018)
“Also tonight, I am in favor of disproportionately escalating the reactions against Hamas. Disconnect electricity and the Internet, eliminate more or less senior officials, and bombard them to cause huge damage. But even tonight it is clear to me that this is not what will solve the problem. Only a renewed occupation of the Gaza Strip and the establishment of a magnificent settlement will bring quiet and security to the south.”
MK Bezalel Smotrich (Twitter, July 20, 2018)
“Once again….it turns out that in our neighborhood, anyone who shows that he is afraid of a confrontation brings upon himself this confrontation. And even now it is forbidden in any form to raid the Gaza Strip if the objective of this operation won’t be a full re-occupation of the Gaza Strip and a return to the days before Oslo. Till then, to wage air strikes against them until they beg us for a cease-fire and pay for it.”
Minister of Education, Naftali Bennett (Maariv, July 7, 2018)
“We have to deal with them as if they are launching rockets against us. Whoever launches a kite or an explosive balloon should be seen as a terrorist. I don’t see any difference between the one who launches a rocket and who launches a kite”
Minister of Public Security and Strategic Affairs, Gilad Erdan (gltz, July 10, 2018)
“Since the first day of the terrorists kites phenomena, I asked to shoot them directly. And I support the closing of Karm Abu Salem checkpoint, and every step that ties Hamas more. Further I agree on burning fields in Gaza as a response to the terror of the kites.”
MK and the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Avi Dichter, (Twitter, July 15, 2018)
“The weekend terror events should get to its end without any fire - neither rockets nor kites. It will stop, and it will. And if this will be violated, the blood of those shooting and burning, those terrorists and their commanders, is permitted. A Gazan terrorist who does not understand this - will meet the IDF's firepower.”
IV. On the Death Penalty Law
"Defense" Minister, Avigdor Liberman (Twitter, July 25, 2018)
“Finally, the death penalty law for terrorists is coming up to a verdict. I'm sure my fellow ministers realize that we need all means in the war on terror. A terrorist that slaughters a family should not go home. There is no reason to be more enlightened than the United States and Japan in the war on terror.”
V. On the Jewish Nation-State Law
MK, Amir Ohana ( Facebook, July 19, 2018)
“The State of Israel was never, and is not and will never be a bilingual state or a state with two capitals, it is the one and the sole national state for the Jewish people, its official language is Hebrew and its capital is united Jerusalem”
MK, Dr. Anat Berko, ( Facebook, July 19, 2018)
“The nation-state law is Jabotinsky iron wall…the nation-state law defines the right of the majority to the state of Israel, it defines the emblem and the national anthem of the Jewish state, yes this is the Jewish state! The nation-state law defines the Jewish settlement – the values that lead to the establishment of the state….we do not want a Muezzin on Memorial Day, we don’t want “marches of return” on the day of independence. These are the exact values that he wrote about…”
VI. Additional Example:
MK, Oren Hazan (Twitter, July 3, 2018)
“For years I have been saying that among the Arabs, terror is part of their culture- the Left's Pavlovian reaction is that it is racism. But the truth is that racism is rooted in the Left, who think that the Arabs are so inferior that they should not take seriously what they say …We take them seriously and therefore treat them like they are - murderers.”