Home The Embassy News and Press Release Dr. Saeb Erekat, Secretary-General of PLO, after meeting of the PLO Political Committee today in Ramallah

Dr. Saeb Erekat, Secretary-General of PLO, after meeting of the PLO Political Committee today in Ramallah

Thursday, 04 January 2018 11:04


January 03, 2018 

For years, the Palestinian leadership has engaged in good faith in numerous meetings and encounters with the US administration and have constantly provided the American team with presentations, briefings as well as responding to many inquiries. Our U.S. counterparts know well the efforts invested by the Palestinian side in terms of proposals as well as of regional initiatives.

However, instead of treating the Palestinians with fairness, President Trump has chosen a game of blame rather being an honest broker. His statements against the Palestinian people have encouraged Israel to continue its heinous crimes and violations of International Law. In fact, the Trump’s act has encouraged the Israeli occupation to consolidate its occupation and apartheid regime. Trump has asserted that by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, he aimed at taking Jerusalem “off the table”. Now, he is threatening to “starve Palestinian children in refugee camps and deny their natural rights to health and education” if we don’t endorse his terms and dictations. 

This is not an isolated event. While Congress has been threatening to cut our aid, the U.S. State Department decided to move towards closing our Washington mission. Then came the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, followed by his latest threat. 

Our firm position is very clear. The inalienable rights of the Palestinian people are sacred. We call upon President Trump and his administration to stand on the right side of history, to respect international law and to stop encouraging international anarchy and violations of the basic requirements of peace./.
