Home The Embassy Activities Dr. Ashrawi strongly condemns plans to construct 10,000 illegal settlement units in Occupied East Jerusalem

Dr. Ashrawi strongly condemns plans to construct 10,000 illegal settlement units in Occupied East Jerusalem

Thursday, 27 April 2017 15:10

RAMALLAH, PALESTINE (April 26, 2017) -- Commenting on the announcement by the Israeli Housing Ministry and the so-called “Jerusalem Municipality” to construct 10,000 illegal settlement units on land belonging to the village of Qalandia in Occupied East Jerusalem, PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi strongly condemned such plans and said: 

“This decision is a deliberate affront to the international community, a flagrant violation of international law, and a direct blow to peace. 

Israel’s persistent attempts to expand its illegal settlement enterprise are a blatant mockery of the global rule of law and international norms. Clearly, such an announcement is part of the Israeli government's plans to annex all of Jerusalem, to erase the Palestinian presence in the city, and to destroy the territorial and demographic contiguity of the West Bank (including East Jerusalem). 

It is also evident that Israel is rushing to create facts on the ground before Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ upcoming meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump. The two-state solution is a longstanding policy of the American administration, and Israel should not be given a free hand to subvert U.S. and international efforts to achieve this solution. 

Members of the international community, including the United States, the European Union and the United Nations, are called upon to go beyond symbolic statements and slogans and to undertake their legal, moral and human responsibilities to hold Israel accountable.  We also urge UN Secretary-General António Guterres to guarantee respect for UN Security Council resolutions, including UNSC resolution 2334, and to ensure Israeli compliance before it succeeds in totally sabotaging the chances for peace and stability.”