RAMALLAH, PALESTINE (March 30, 2017) -- Commenting on the Israeli security cabinet’s decision to establish a new illegal settlement near the settlement of Shiloh and to grant the approval for the construction of 2,000 units in established settlements, PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi condemned such moves and said:
“It is ironic that on the same day Palestinians somberly commemorated the killing of six Palestinians and the injury of more than 100 others who nonviolently protested Israel’s decision to steal more than 20,000 dunams of land in the Galilee in 1976, Israel announced the establishment of a new illegal settlement.
Forty-one years later, Israel’s policies remain unchanged as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist, racist coalition government continue to persist with their systematic policies of settler colonialism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing, showing a total and blatant disregard for Palestinian human rights, independence and dignity. Today’s announcement once again proves that Israel is more committed to appeasing its illegal settler population than to abiding by the requirements for stability and a just peace.
Israel’s relentless efforts to expand its illegal settlement enterprise with the aim of displacing Palestine and replacing it with “Greater Israel” should send a strong message to governments worldwide that they need to intervene immediately and to undertake concrete measures to hold Israel accountable with serious punitive measures. We also call on UN Secretary-General António Guterres to ensure compliance with Security Council resolutions, including UNSC resolution 2334, and to make certain that Israel respects them.
It is time that all members of the international community serve the cause of peace and justice and bring Israel to cease and desist its unlawful settlement activities and illegal unilateralism once and for all.”